Sunday, December 2, 2012

How to Stay Safe Online

When it comes to the internet, nothing is safe. Therefore, it only makes sense to protect your sensitive information, as you would protect your home from criminals. It is naïve to think that the internet is safe; it really isn't!

Have you ever gone out for the day, and left the front door to your house wide open? Not at all: WHY? Simple; because criminals will come in and riffle through your house. The same principle applies to the internet and computers you use. You should always be cautious when browsing the internet as it is never safe.

You should always lock your computer screen when you are done using it. It is good to know why locking your computer screen is important. The same applies to the websites you visit online. Most of these sites are not safe, and it is your responsibility to take extra precautions when visiting a site.

Here Are a Few Things You Must Be Aware Of

* Phishing: This is a type of online fraud, where cyberspace thieves try to trick people into revealing their sensitive information such as social security number, username, password, or credit card details.

* Malware: This is software that is designed to infiltrate or damage your operating system without your knowledge. Malware is a general term that's used by computer professionals for many forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software, and can include:

1. Virus: This is a computer program that can duplicate itself, damaging a computer in the process.

2. Worm: This is a self -replicating malware computer program; it uses a computer network to send copies of itself to other computers on the network.

3. Spyware: This malware collects small pieces of information about users without the owner's informed consent.

4. Adware: Any software package that automatically plays, displays, or downloads some advertisements to a computer.

5. Trojan horse: This is a destructive program which masquerades as an application. The software initially appears to perform a desirable function for the user before installation, but instead steals sensitive information, or even harm the operating system.

Now, when you visit a website, it is important to know that the computer hosting the website may keep a record of the interaction. This record is called a log. To make this as simple as possible, you must think of a log as a receipt. When you purchase something from a store, you are given a receipt, and the store owner keeps a record of the transaction.

If you would like to get informed about how to protect yourself online, Google safe search is the place to start. You must report all unusual activities to Google so they can put measures in place to protect the public. Don't just complain and do nothing about it.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   

Relax, We Have Out of Band One Time Password Data Breach Protection

The holidays are the time for giving while relaxing with family and friends. When everyone was preparing for their holiday on December 24th creatures were stirring while clicking a mouse. During the holiday a data breach of close to a million passwords lead to one embarrassed "intelligence" company and 200 gigabytes of personal information exposed. But how could this be? The year of the data breach is coming to an end and still companies do not have a secure password policy. Furthermore an out-of-band one-time password is fairly easy and inexpensive to implement while offering obvious security benefits.

Becoming more common recently, data breaches like this are all over the media. Companies are learning the hard way that they cannot skimp on security at any point in the chain. After all you are only as strong as your weakest link and the recent Stratfor data breach is a prime example. Although Stratfor had a password policy in place, findings from The Tech Herald said the policies were lacking enforcement.

In this situation the password policy only required a six character long password which contained a numerical digit. Upon cracking over 80 thousand passwords through simple means, The Tech Herald found many passwords which were not even six characters in length. Furthermore users were using commonly used terms, dates and personal references to create passwords.

Strong Password Creation Strong passwords consist of case sensitive letters, numbers and symbols. By utilizing all types of characters it creates many more combinations to have to search through while cracking a password. Users should not use full words or terms while creating login credentials either. This allows for lists of common words to be loaded into a cracking program like the one used in the Stratfor data breach. Beyond creating a secure credential, users should change their password regularly to prevent it from being compromised.

Obviously support for stronger security must be present along with some sort of software based enforcement. However, infrastructure for this type of password security can be expensive to implement and can create an unpleasant user experience. After all who can remember a password like "B#13iL@9e"?

One-Time Password Protecting users from themselves is not easy but a one-time password offers the ability for them to be fairly careless. Some ways of transmitting an OTP are not as secure as others though. In some cases an OTP will be delivered to the user through email which may also have been compromised. A very common problem is that people use the same password across all platforms, which means attackers may have access to the users email as well.

Out-of-Band One-Time Password One of the easiest solutions for a more secure authentication process is an out-of-band one time password. The OTP allows users to be authenticated through their mobile phone and provides an added layer of protection from infected computers. Users benefit from the added protection gaining the ability to use simple login credentials.

With an OTP in place the weak Stratfor passwords would not have been an issue since the attackers would need to authenticate themselves before accessing the confidential data. Even if they were able to obtain the user's login credentials and phone number they would not have access to "something you have", which is your mobile phone. If the attackers had login credentials and an email address, without an out-of-band solution a savvy attacker may be able to gain access.

If your vision of authentication security is not all sugarplums dancing in your head you may not have had your holiday cut short by a data breach.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   

Best SSL Certificate Provider

An SSL certificate does wonders to your business web site. You can draw a huge amount of traffic on your website only by building your site visitor's confidence, and this can only be done by the SSL certificates. SSL or Secure Socket Layer works as a strong layer of encryption between the web server and the web browser.

Benefits drawn by SSL are so large that they can't be described. Application of SSL certificate clearly demonstrates the visitors that your business web site is totally safe, secure, and legitimate to use. It is a great way to increase your customer's confidence and they will feel free in exchanging their financial information including credit card details with your web site. You can survive in the online business world only when your business is able to build its goodwill and positive image in the world's eye.

If you are looking for best certificate provider then here are some key features that are essential to look for:

Issued by the most trusted certificate authority A strong level of encryption 128-bit or 256-bit 99.3% browser ubiquity 24x7 technical support SSL secured trust site seal Installation support Free re-issuance policy Easy renewals

SSL works as a trust builder, hence choosing right certificate provider for your web site is very essential. Online visitors are very savvy, if your business requires the exchange of your customers personal as well as financial information then certainly you must display certificate on your web site. One can easily visualized this certificate in the address bar of their browser, if the address bar displays https:// instead of http:// that means the website is secured with SSL.

There are many trusted certificate issuing authority rendering online security solutions to various size business and help them in expanding their business across the world. The examples of trusted authority are VeriSign, Geo Trust, Comodo, Thwate, etc.

VeriSign certificates are little bit costlier than other certificates, but when a visitor sees the VeriSign trust seal on the site then he immediately makes the decision to get stick with that site. But this is incorrect to say that other certificates are less than VeriSign. Actually, VeriSign is expensive and also it provides little much good security whereas others are quite inexpensive that are designed to meet the requirements of small and medium size businesses.

You can easily find many of the SSL certificate providers online, but while selecting them you have to consider the above stated things

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   

Three Methods to Protect Against Malicious Hacking

Users' unprotected networks are hunting ground for hackers. They spend lots of time to gain access over the unlocked systems of home users. Therefore, good security policies are highly significant for the security of your computer because you have all your personal data stored in it. And the easiest way to do so is by employing various computer security methods to protect against malicious attacks from hackers.

Here are some tips that allow you to keep up with the security of your personal computer.

Firewall- An honest guard

With huge affinity towards computer security; Firewall is a software (also can be hardware) that plays the role of good gatekeeper between the virtual world and your network. It allows the entry only of the ones defined by you. Hence, firewall is a good and first safety defense against hackers, as well as good for spyware and antivirus protection.

Your home network placed with a router and connected with your Internet service provider (ISP) could have the capability to act as a firewall. One should check the router's configuration settings by entering its IP address into the web browser and enabling the firewall if it is unable. The router is the basis for choosing the security setting between low, medium or high. Other options should be configured that will help in keeping unwanted guests away.

If you do not have a network set up and your computer is linked straight to your ISP then you can configure a firewall right on your computer. Every Windows computers since Windows XP come incorporated with a firewall, which is also recognized as Windows Firewall. Firewall can be made active through the Control Panel. Besides, there are plenty of free firewall programs that can be downloaded. You can find several program desirable for cyber security.

Good wireless security- Must for good protection

There are special security concerns for wireless networks or computers that are fixed straight into the wall. Hackers are highly active are continuously in search of unprotected or badly-protected wireless networks. You can safeguard your wireless network by:

- Altering the default SSID (network name) - Switching off wireless broadcasting - Changing router's default username and password - Enabling MAC address filtering - Using WPA or WPA2 security protocols, if possible

Best antivirus software-Excellent way to get shielded

Hackers try many methods to penetrate in your system by making use of viruses and alike, so good antivirus software is significant for excellent computer security. The program you choose for your personal computer must have up to date virus definitions. Also, it should be setup for automatic updates, regular weekly scans, and also real-time protection.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   

How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off by Online Job Ads

It seems as if nowadays there are more scam jobs on the web than there are real job ads. Job seekers are undereducated on this online job scam issue. Recent graduates tend to be the ones who get suckered into this type of fraud or scam. These scammers are constantly coming up with new ways to ripoff job seekers.

After being fooled myself, I can personally tell you the red flags that no one will teach you about online job hunting. Since this issue hasn't been addressed publicly and it doesn't seem like there's an end in sight, here are some red flags while on the job hunt:

A picture says a thousand words. If the online job ad has a lot of pretty, perfect looking pictures and smiling "employees" everywhere it might be scam. A good company isn't derived from happy employees necessarily; it's about their work ethic and their numbers which make it a good company. Google. After being tricked into almost going into an interview for a scam sales job, I decided that I would Google search every company I was applying for (that I hadn't heard about). Please do your homework before applying to any job to avoid being scammed or ripped off. Craigslist. Pay attention to job ads on Craigslist. A few signs of a job ad scam or ripoff are if the ad has a vague job title such as Admin Assistant or Customer Service Rep, jobs ads where "Telecommunicating is Ok" is indicated, spelling or grammar errors, the ad states "No Experience necessary" but a high pay is promised, fails to list a specific job location, and keep a close eye on how the employer emails you; if they send generic emails, and check the content of the email including websites and links. - The BBB, or the Better Business Bureau, is the report card for businesses. Here you can learn more about the business you are applying for. Most scam companies beat around the bush when you ask them what they do and want you to wait until you come in for the initial interview where you would be informed about the company and what your position would entail. If it's hard to understand what a company does via its own website, use the BBB to gather accurate information on a company.

Let's say you have already applied and received a response to your resume. Here is where you have to make sure you aren't a victim of fraud. A special type of online job scam is a " payment-forwarding " theme where the employer might ask you for:

Banking information, PayPal accounts, and credit card numbers. Permission to directly deposit paychecks or funds to your account. A forward, transfer, or "wire" to the employer. A portion of payment or to transfer money. Buying a product (which then you would sell). Social Security Card Number.

Remember that employers do use direct deposit for paychecks, but if they don't offer another payment option then that's a red flag and you shouldn't accept it. A legitimate employer would not ask you to do any of the above listed things especially over the web. I have also been scammed into doing a credit check through an online service which was intended for a job opportunity. After not hearing back from the employer I figured they had just wanted me to pay for the credit check and wasn't getting a job. Remember a non-scam company wouldn't ask you to do anything (besides a drug test) before actually being hired, especially via the web. Your resume has delicate information and you should be wary of where you forward it. Carefully investigate companies that you are interested in. Be innovative as well while on your search - you can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get feedback on a certain company.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   

How To Detect Credit Card Fraud

How do you detect credit card fraud before it happens? You won't have any problem knowing that you're dealing with fraud after the transaction as it will likely result in a chargeback to your business. The key is in getting it before it gets you. And the only way that you can pull that off is to put the appropriate tools in place. Luckily, modern technology equips the business owner to take fraud prevention measures. Unluckily, not all these measures work, and scammers are constantly trying to find ways of beating you out of the money that you rightfully deserve for a completed transaction. If you want to know how to detect credit card fraud beyond a shadow of doubt, then do the following:

1) Invest in a reputable bank identification number database.

Not all of these services are the same. Some are very limited in the focus they offer, while others may be able to encompass many different types of payment, but they skimp on their currency in order to cut overhead, and that leaves your business out in the cold whenever a transaction is made that is destined for chargeback. This aspect of fraud prevention is very important for you to take seriously as it can be the difference between a real fraud problem or never seeing another questionable transaction come through your point of sale. Don't be swayed by services that undersell. First, look at what they offer and compare it to other products and services.

2) Train your customers.

Your customers don't want to be taken advantage of, and they want to make sure that your business will protect them in the event of a lost or stolen card. If you can be upfront with your customers about what you are doing to prevent fraud, then two things will happen. Firstly, your customers will appreciate the fact that you value their safety, and they will reward you with more of their business. Secondly, by getting the warnings out ahead of time, you are likely to discourage scammers from targeting your storefront. Scammers would much rather hit the sure thing, and if you can emit the idea that you are going to be vigilant in attacking credit card fraud, then they will likely focus their efforts elsewhere.

3) Instill vigilance in your employees.

Any time that you have employees, who face the public, you have tools in the fight against credit card fraud. By instilling vigilance into your employees for fraud prevention, you will be able to stop thieves at the point of sale and set an example for what happens should anyone try to use your business as a channel for theft. Do these things, and you will have a healthier business.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   

Credit Card Bin Numbers Database in Credit Card Fraud Prevention

The Internet presents a wonderful opportunity for business owners of the 21st Century. Back in the days of the 20th Century, it was extremely difficult to offer wares globally on account of the difficulty with payment processing. The solutions that were out there were too expensive and impractical for many smaller businesses to even attempt it. But as technology became more scalable, so, too, did businesses of all shapes and sizes. Bin number databases evolved to the point that they could easily cross the waters and bring customers and businesses together in ways like they never had before. If you own a business or a product, then it is important to open up this global marketplace to your advantage. But the only way that you can pull that off is if you seek the following:

A company that fights fraud

One of the first priorities of the database that you ultimately end up subscribing to is the combatting of fraud on all levels. You want a service that will give you the tools necessary to prevent all types of digital fraud. Of course, the way that companies manage this is to stay updated with the latest numbers. Banks close all the time. Cards are lost or stolen. In order to prevent the inevitable fallout, you should have access to all the latest alerts. Your customers will appreciate your vigilance, and so will you when bounce backs become a thing of the past.

A company that moves the customer right along

Only by having access to the most accurate and up to date information will your system be able to evaluate transactions immediately. On the international front, it can be a nightmare if you don't have the database lookup features that are essential. You cannot possibly be an expert on culture, and online predators are becoming more advanced in their counterfeiting activities. While many don't think of electronic payment transactions as something that can be counterfeited, the reality is that they can, and quite expertly at that. By partnering with a reputable company that values currency and accuracy, you are able to stay ahead of all the latest deceits that are out there threatening to steal your business and jeopardize your customers.

In addition to features such as BIN-to-Brand, BIN-to-Bank, BIN-to-IP API validation, and XML API, you really need a product that offers the BIN-to-Country feature. This can immediately identify the point of origin for each card, and it can give you peace of mind in knowing that the international transaction is legitimate. If you are uncertain of how international payment processing will work for you, make sure that you try before you buy. Reputable companies will make it easy for you to see if it's the right solution before money changes hands.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   

Working With 2Ways Sync With Google Calendar

2Ways Sync with Google Calendar enables you to get your Google calendar agenda in your iPhone and vice versa. Four years ago the process of synchronization was much difficult. You had to create accounts like Mobile me and use other services like Spanning Sync to configure it. It was too much complicated due to which people were not able to use this beautiful feature. However, now this synchronization has become very easy and more and more people are activating this feature.

Why was activating it too difficult than and has become very easy now? I think the reason is that Apple and Google did not used to like each other and were not bending for the larger stake of their products. But now it seems the problem has been resolved.

The Steps for activating it

As I have said earlier, now it has become too much easy to configure your Google calendar with iPhone, step by step procedure for 2Ways Sync with Google Calendar is given below for your convenience. First of all you need to login to your Google Account. Click your setting icon and than scroll down and choose the Mail > Contacts and than Calendar option. Choose the Add account option and select Gmail. A page will be opened asking you some details like your name, Google account address, password and some description. After filling this form, click Next button in the upper right corner of your page. System will check the correctness of the detail entered by you and will advance you to another page.

By default the Mail is on and Calendar and Notes are off. For activating 2Ways Sync with Calendar you need to turn it on. If you already have a calendar on your iPhone, system will ask you whether you want to retain that calendar or want it to be replaced with the Google one. Choose whatever is appropriate for you. Click save button in the upper right corner. Give some time to your mobile depending upon the numbers you have chosen so that it can download it. It will simplify your work to a great extent.

Working process

Two ways synchronization means that whatever change you will make in your Google calendar, will be changed in your mobile phone one. Frequency of updating the great tool of 2ways sync depends upon your Push/Fetch settings, under your Mail, Contacts and the screen.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   

Website Hacking - How To Protect Your Website And Online Business

Website hacking is a hazard that is becoming more dangerous as the Digital Age picks up steam and more and more miscreants take to cyberspace to reek havoc on unsuspecting websites and online businesses. You cannot assume that you are ever safe from the latest virus or worm that may be floating around out there, especially if you are using more Windows based applications to power your site. Personal computers are more frequently attacked than any other kind of computer because a larger number of people own them, and hackers understand they can cause the most trouble through targeting these entities. If you are part of this huge percentage of websites and businesses, you have more to worry about than most. That's why it is recommended that you do the following to protect your site or business:

1) Choose a reputable hosting provider.

Web hosting companies are often vigilant in their fight against malware, viruses, worms and trojans. They do their best to stay ahead of hackers and provide the necessary software updates and hardware solutions needed to avoid ever getting hacked by a ne'er-do-well. If you have chosen a reputable hosting provider, then you have a lot less to worry about down the road. However, you are still not out of the woods, because there are a number of ports of entry that hackers can use to gain access to your business and records.

2) Get a server upgrade.

The last thing you want to do if you put a lot of stock into your website or online business is to entrust it to a shared hosting plan. While these are great for starting small websites and blogs with very limited revenue potential, they are also easy marks, because you are sharing the server with a variety of other websites. Whatever happens to them can happen to you. In order to be in absolute control of what happens with your website, you need to choose a server upgrade, such as cloud hosting, virtual private servers, or dedicated web hosting. These plans are all better equipped to keep the wolves at bay.

3) Never do business with someone without vetting them first.

Any time you are going to take on a public facing entity, such as a website or online business, you need to make sure that your customers or visitors are legitimate. That means if you allow comments, do not allow those that would include spam links that others could click on. Guilty by association, at the end of the day, still means guilty, at least as far as the web world is concerned. Protect your own interests first, and choose to be careful before choosing to be all inclusive.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   

Finding the Best VPN Service Possible

VPN services in our age Because the digital age has created a rapid expansion in the storage, sharing, and distribution of information, VPN services continue to emerge and clutter an already well-populated industry. Hundreds of providers are currently in the marketplace vying for the attention of consumers that look to improve communications with international friends or relatives while maintaining privacy. Determining which companies can deliver a quality experience can be difficult when you aren't sure how customer experiences truly are, which is why the need to consult with VPN reviewing platforms is incredibly important.

The Role of Technology Blogs Tech bloggers have become an integral part of the technology industry, as they tend to carry very little loyalty to a particular brand or organization and facilitate the sharing of various experiences with various VPN services. Many of these sites also have areas for consumer reviews, so before making any purchase decision, use these resources to better understand what each VPN provider is bringing to the table.

Free Trials Despite the prevalence of free VPN services, they are seldom recommended as the information contained on their intranet systems is quite vulnerable. Reputable VPN services will usually offer a free-trial period in which users can get a refund if they don't like their experience. Take advantage of these opportunities, as it gives you a chance to get a feel for the infrastructure's design and determine whether or not the customer care meets your needs or those of any other users that will be on the network regularly.

Determining Expertise Virtual Private Networks can be complicated when considering the technology involved. If you have any questions regarding the system's security, implementation, or speed, ask the provider's representatives. They should be able to answer any questions you have, putting your concerns at rest. If you feel that your questions are not being fully answered, don't hesitate to find another organization. The VPN industry is rich with providers, so don't settle for a company that doesn't meet your needs.

Finding the right VPN service requires extensive research and a basic understanding of what security measures are necessary to ensure the protection of your information. Asking the right questions and consulting independent VPN reviews sites can be the difference between having security compromised and using a company that cannot prevent prying eyes from viewing sensitive details. Learn about encryption techniques, the importance of speed, and the accessibility of a service through a free trial, and you're guaranteed to make a solid purchasing decision.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   

Computer Security Services and Your Business

Computer security services are an essential requirement for business nowadays. Every business in the developed world uses computers, and most of these are connected to the Internet. However, this technological revolution comes with its own set of problems concerning information security: there are threats from outside (hackers), from inside (accidental or deliberate misuse), and from natural hazards (fire, power cuts, etc). This means that many businesses are finding it necessary, for the first time, to consider using computer security services from specialist suppliers.

There are four general kinds of security service for computers and networks. Each business owner or manager should analyse their information security needs in terms of these four areas, in order to gain a clear idea of what kind of specialist service may be needed.

• Computer security consulting services: An information security consultancy will review your organisation's existing security arrangements (if any), and offer advice and recommendations which you will then implement. The security firm will be engaged only for a short period, and the output will be a written report, possibly also an oral presentation of the findings.

• Security management: In a longer-term arrangement, the consulting firm may also implement and manage security systems on your behalf. This could be done in two ways: either the firm will supply an interim manager for a defined period, or else you can outsource the ongoing security management to them on a part-time basis for a much longer period. In either case, your firm will benefit from specialist expertise, while at the same time avoiding the considerable costs of a full-time permanent employee.

• Security testing: From time to time there will be a need for independent testing of your firm's information security management system. This can be done by engaging external security testing services. There are various types of testing service, as follows: a) Penetration testing of a computer network and network devices, including wireless networks. b) Application testing of web-based or other applications (eg. mail servers, FTP servers, etc). c) PCI DSS scanning by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) to demonstrate compliance with the payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. d) External auditing (possibly to the ISO 27001 standard for information security): this is especially important for firms that seek to be certified to an official standard.

• Vendor-specific security services: Most businesses use Microsoft Windows software, and some of these will be running Active Directory on their own servers. There are many computer security service providers who can help you get the most out of the existing security facilities in this software, in order to avoid the expense of buying other software for that purpose.

Clearly, there is a very wide range of computer security services available, and it is important to formulate your organisation's needs clearly in terms of one or more of these service types. A larger company will be able to cover at least some of these areas with its own staff, but smaller firms may need to outsource their requirements for computer security services to specialist organisations. In either case, the person responsible for your firm's information security should ensure that all IT security services follow industry best practice and, where applicable, current international standards.

When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   Search Your Name Online: Be Prepared for a Shocking Discovery   How To Protect Your Digital Information Products From Online Thieves   Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Basic Information About Proxies

Don't you just love the Internet? I mean, there's just so much knowledge and information available on it at a moment's notice that it may feel staggering at times. Looking for cooking recipes? Do a search - get results. Looking for good books to read? Do a search - get results. Interested in weapon manufacturing techniques? Well, you can see where this is going. You can find any type of information online, sometimes even potentially dangerous information. The expression "from a needle to a steam train" really has weight behind it when considering what the Internet has to offer. There's also a strange side to it. Since you can find literally any type of information online, you can find information about how to do damage online. Hacking, phishing, spying; you can find information about all that without much effort. Doesn't sound very encouraging, doesn't it? Well, luckily, there are ways to counter such potential threats and make your surfing experience even safer.

What are proxies?

Depending on your technical knowledge, you probably know that every computer on the Internet has a unique designation assigned to it when it connects online. It is called an IP address and it's basically a series of numbers and decimals that signify which Internet provider company you use for Internet access, what country you're in and even what city you're located in. Why is it necessary to have such sensitive data on something so easily available? Well, it's just a basic precaution. If we could compare it to something, we would compare it to fingerprints. If someone commits a felony, they can often be tracked to the crime by fingerprints. An IP address is a virtual fingerprint that links a user account online to an actual existing individual. It's very handy, but it can also be potentially exploited. To prevent the risk of IP address misuse, proxies are available for everyone to use. A proxy basically makes sure that your IP address can't be so easily detected.

What do proxies do?

Proxies are basically used through proxy servers which have their own IP addresses. In short, whenever you use a proxy server, you use their IP address. You still retain your own unique IP, but your actual visible IP address is the one the proxy server uses. Since some information is contained in an IP address, this can produce some amusing results. For instance, you could be sitting behind your computer in the UK and appear as though you're in Croatia, if the proxy server uses an IP address for that country. A lot of services actually use proxy servers by default. For instance, if you've ever used a modern chat client, you first connect to their proxy server before connecting to any other user. This ensures that not just anyone can get your real IP address.

So proxies make me truly anonymous?

To be blunt, no, using proxies does not make you truly anonymous. Using a proxy server simply adds an additional security layer to increase your own security while surfing. It's not an excuse to feel like you're undetectable while online and attempts to exploit proxies will be punished eventually. A proxy provider keeps a log of IP addresses that used their services, so there's always residual information remaining that can link a person to a certain activity that way. Fortunately, this happens very, very rarely and using proxy servers is just simple enough to warrant their usage as an added security layer.

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Get the Email Protection You Need From a Google Message Security Reseller

Email has changed our lives; it has changed the way that co-workers communicate with one another, it has made connecting with old friends and family members that live far away much easier and it has forever changed how we get news and information. Can you even imagine a life without email at this point? The problem with everyone becoming so reliant on email messaging for communication is that those who want to spread viruses and spam messages now have an even easier means to do it.

Spam and Virus Threats

Opening up a virus inside of an email can send your business's system into a tailspin, resulting in serious downtime for your computer and even ending up with a complete loss of information on your hard drive. This may be the absolute worst-case scenario, but spam and viruses really can damage your computer irreparably.

In order to eliminate email-borne threats and to keep your computer running smoothly, you need a message security system. One of the best on the market is the Google Message Security App. This app is designed to protect your system from the many threats that can be delivered via email, without having to purchase a bunch of hardware or software. In order to purchase this application for your system, you need to find a reputable reseller.

What is a Google Message Security Reseller?

A certified Google Apps reseller is a qualified company that can offer your small to medium-sized business the necessary security features that you need, without having to perform the switch over all on your own. The reseller will be able to provide your business with convenient, personalized service, helping to set your network up with message security in the cloud.

Instead of having to worry about taking the time to migrate your old system to the Google Apps feature, you can save tons of time and money by using a certified Google Message Security reseller to get the switch done for you. This saves you a lot of downtime, so that you and the rest of your small to medium-sized business are still able to use your email.

Instead of spending a fortune on the entire Google Apps for Business system, why not work with an approved reseller that can not only give you a discount on the message security that you need, while also offering you assistance and support during the switch? Get your small to medium-sized business on track today with a qualified Google Message Security reseller.

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